Thursday, June 08, 2006

pre-ride 2

Ok, this time we DID the route. hehe.

We only did 1 lap, however, since this was an exploratory ride. Have to tell you though, the course is a bit...intense.

Inside the section called Roxas I stalled in the middle of a rocky climb and couldn't power out. Bummer! DanDan took his singlespeed along - with a 32x14 gearing. He cleaned the same section where I stalled in. The guy is a monster hehe. Spanky shone on the downhills though, and the big wheels soaked up the step-like bumps, and felt sure-footed in off-camber sections.

After Roxas we took a nice gravel road down to what they call The Nursery. Since this was an exploratory ride, King and DanDan were looking for a way through The Nursery and back up to the main road. Aside from the road we just took, it was either of two heinous climbs. By heinous I mean granny-gear and biggest-cog heinous. Your lowest possible gear. Guess what? I don't have gears! So walk it I did. I think I'll volunteer to be a race marshal hehe.

It is, however, a race course, and am sure participants will be able to go up these climbs (walking is an option of course). Hey, as long as the racers have fun!

Here are some pics:

Me after the climb in Roxas:

Trying out the Turner Flux:

The technical descent after Roxas:

Part of the heinous climb:

Panoramic shot from the top:


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