Monday, November 14, 2005


tempting? NOT! though i did try a spicy soup that the locals make that had wild mushrooms(obviosuly not poisonous nor mind altering since I am here typing this up), which was actually pretty good...too bad the mushrooms they use are the ones that pop up after a thunderstorm (don't ask me, that's what they said).

as for recreational drugs, I don't care much for them. Even in my "carefree" days of ten years ago hehehe.

coffee and chocolate, however, are an entirely different matter. Can't get enough of either.

i had some orange poppy seed cake today, which apparently, cause positive results (not positive as in good, but positive as in present), in drug tests. ha! good thing I've renewed my driver's license already!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but if the shrooms come out after th rain, it's probably th magic kind..?! they say sometimes you think there's no tama but in reality you're all the way out of it. ewan. drugs is a bad! drugs is a bad! hehe

Blogger mcsister said...

I saw those mushrooms in New Zealand on a mountain we climbed. It had just rained and they sprouted out of the ground. Whether they were magic fungi that makes you think you're a fun guy, well, we didn't taste and find out (I really just wanted to pun)...


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